Digital Advocate


Guiding the SOHO Practitioner in a Digital World

I take issue

with this statement. The piece is good, thought provoking, and informative. But this jumped out at me:

people with a lot of “friends” may be more trustworthy than people with very few

Now, wait a minute. How does the number of friends equate with trust-worthiness? I have few Facebook friends. I have few because I am not interested in the numbers, I’m interested in the people. What they have to say, what they know, what I can learn, what I can share from my experience that may be helpful. How can anyone keep up with hundreds of friends? That’s not friends. That’s an audience.

Some of the most untrustworthy people have huge followings. And some of the most untrustworthy people are followers.

Google and search (Scripting News)

Filed under: Social Networking

Measuring Users By Use, Not By Numbers

Facebook Takes Further Steps To Curb User Abuse; Change In How Applications Are Measured

Newer applications with fewer users will now have a way to move up on the charts if users are really engaged with the application.

Filed under: Social Networking

Manager’s Cheat Sheet

From body language to going above and beyond, a list of great tips for great management.

The Manager’s Cheat Sheet: 101 Common-Sense Rules for Leaders – Inside CRM

Filed under: Leadership

Employee Behavior and Security Breaches

Discover security breach, blame the co-workers? | CNET

The most frustrating problem for IT managers is employee behavior (cited by nearly a third of managers), followed by security not being high enough on the corporate agenda and then budget constraints.

Filed under: Security,

Risky Business

Can small business count on VoIP? | CNET

… while many large companies have already made the switch to IP telephones, small business may not want to cut off their traditional phone services just yet.

Filed under: SOHO, Tech,


I like the idea of the site, and yes, the title is catchy in a kitschy sort of way. But “Damsels”? According to Webster’s, “a young unmarried woman of noble birth”… I don’t know. Maybe it’s because I’m rather far off from most of that description, but something in that title makes me not want to give this site serious consideration.

Damsels In Success

Filed under: Networking, Women, , ,

Good design helps us all

MIT has developed a software tool that can aid designers to gauge “visual clutter”.

MIT software measures clutter | Tech news blog – CNET

Filed under: Web strategy