Digital Advocate


Guiding the SOHO Practitioner in a Digital World

140 Characters of Simple Value

Image representing Twitter as depicted in Crun...Image by via CrunchBase“ONE hundred forty characters — the exact length of this sentence — is
turning out to be just right for business communications of all kinds.”

Think of how many times you just wanted to dash off a quick note to someone, without generating a time-consuming conversation about it. Just a bit of info shared, or something to think about that you can discuss further when you have more time. That’s the beauty of Twitter.

Now, Brevity Is the Soul of Office Interaction –

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GrandCentral’s Blogger Integration

GrandCentral Announces Blogger Integration

Today, they released a new version of the WebCall button for use on Blogger powered blogs so that your readers can easily leave voicemail or call you directly from your site without seeing your phone number.

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Learn the Power of Social Media

Executives Must Realize and Learn the Power of Social Media

Senior marketing executives in several countries agree that the use of social media for corporate, brand and product marketing is not a passing fad, according to research sponsored by TNS media intelligence/Cymfony. In fact, nearly 50% believe it is a vital component of corporate communications that should be monitored at the executive level and allocated significant resources.

Think you have a great product or service? Why not create a video to post on YouTube? A blog to communicate with customers about how great it is? Twitter a word-of-mouth campaign?

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